Striped Pants for Fall Fashion

It's Thanksgiving week, and I absolutely cannot wait for the ham, fresh rolls, and--duh--tons of gravy that I'll be eating come Thursday. We've had Thanksgiving at my parent's house for the past few years; our whole family gathers there for an afternoon full of food and laughs. We're a super loud, super opinionated group...if you come from a big family, you know what I mean when I say that there's always lots of noise when we're all together!
I went on a little shopping spree this week--read: VERY little--so I snuck in a little shoot featuring these new striped pants that I got at Forever21. I had a a 15% off discount code, so they were only $16! Such a steal, and they feel like pajama pants. I linked them below, along with similar mules, and some other ruffled tops. I'm trying not to wear jeans every day, so I've been looking for new pants and wearing a lot of skirts/dresses.
Stripes are my go-to pattern. They're classy, cute, and there are so many variations! I love that they're versatile enough to be funky and chic.
Ruffles have been a huge part of my fall wardrobe. I never thought that I would buy into this trend, but I really do like it. It's so easy to dress up an outfit with a ruffled top or, if you're super edgy, some ruffled pants (if you're cool enough to wear ruffled pants, please send me pics so that I can tell you how awesome you are).
Also, I finished Stranger Things--how are you feeling about Season 2? My friends and I filmed a commentary for our college's newspaper... we're super-fans.
xx, EM