Christmas Decoration.

| Dress : Tobi | Glasses : EyeBuyDirect | Tights : GAP | Booties : Steve Madden |
A few weeks ago, my family turned on the Christmas music and started decorating for our most favorite season. My little sister, Clara, had been bothering us to decorate for WEEKS, like even before Thanksgiving, she was asking when we were going to decorate. When we finally got around to decorating, she decided she didn't want to help put up the tree! "It makes my arms itch," she said. Haha, so my older sister Hanna and I did the itchy work of putting together the tree and fluffing it, THEN Clara helped put the ornaments on.
I was born in June so naturally I consider myself a summer-child, but Christmas may be my favorite time of the year. I love the coziness that winter brings, not to mention the cute clothes. Snow days--even though they're rare in Tulsa, we get more ice than anything--are magical. PLUS, now that I'm in college, I get to spend the whole month of December and part of January on break just hanging out with my friends and family. Yay for long Winter Breaks!
As I'm writing this, I'm thinking about baking cookies. Probably gingerbread ones, because I love the smell. Anybody have any good cookie recipes they swear by? Let me know in the comments below!!
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