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How to Plan a Brunch Party.

Let me start by admitting that this week has been BUSY. On Sunday, I finished my first session of summer classes... P R A I S E because I am so ready to be in full summer-mode (that is, until the end of July when I start another class). 

College. It's something... As in, something I'm ready to be done with

This week also marked my little siblings first full week of summer! My brother is celebrating by dedicating all of his time to sleeping and fixing up his truck. He and my dad drove to Wichita about a month ago and came back with a 1978 Chevy Silverado that is undeniably a piece of junk. Like, this thing had a giant old camper on the back and CARPET in the bed. Daniel has made a lot of changes since then, though, including replacing the stereo, losing the camper, and ripping out the carpet (praise God). 

This is Betsy. Yes, my brother named his truck. 

My little sister decided she wanted to have a party to commiserate the beginning of summer. She didn't want to have any old party, though, she wanted a brunch party, complete with tea sets, cloth napkins, and fancy little breakfast foods. 

DISCLAIMER: I have an unhealthy obsession with fancy breakfast food. 

Whew. It feels so good to admit that.

So when my little sister announced that she wanted to have a party with--and I quote-- fancy breakfast foods, I about lost my marbles. 

And then this happened....

I turned my parents' living room into a brunch parlor. I stayed up until three in the morning baking my heart out for the sake of this party because I am a breakfast-obsessed nutjob who is an absolute perfectionist when it come to party-planning (and everything else). 

Recipe Here

Recipe Here

Recipe Here

Recipe Here

I love tiny details because they pull things together so well and really give them a finished look, so I watercolored little food-tags for each thing that I made. I also watercolored placecards for each girl.

My mom has collected old handkerchiefs forever, so we pulled out some mismatching ones for the party.  They were literally icing on the brunch-cake!

I linked all the recipes above, so test them out and tell me what you think! I also made an amazing french toast casserole that got eaten before I could get a picture of it. I'm linking the recipe below--it's a must for your next holiday/party.

Still in a food-coma from all that baking, 


French Toast Casserole recipe--here.