Yesterday, I did something I really don't like to do-- I wore high heels.
boo. eww. bye.
I highkey despise wearing heels because they kill my feet, I can't walk fast in them (She's the Man, yo!) and I'm literally 5'1, so instead of looking taller I just appear a little less short.
Not worth the plunge, (headfirst, down the stairs) in my opinion.
H o w e v e r ... I have found an exception to my heels-hatred...
Check out these cute sugars.
I practically died when I saw these on the ShopPriceless website. They're platform sandals! My mom probably had the exact same pair when she was my age and now I understand why: they are so comfortable. Like beyond the most comfy high-heel I own, which is saying a lot.
I love the concept behind these shoes, they're a sandal with the functionality of a regular shoe because of the platform, so instead of wobbling around in normal heels, you've got shoes that offer you some solid ground. It's the best of both worlds, with a little throwback infusion.