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Veja sneakers & other things I'm loving

It officially does not look like this outside anymore… Goodbye, beautiful fall wonderland! If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I’ve been waiting since summer to take pictures on this treelined street. It was just as magical as I thought it’d be, but also so cold.

Since it’s the week of Thanksgiving, I thought I’d share what I’m thankful for + some things I’ve really loved lately:

  1. Running outside, which is a mixed bag right now. 65 degrees one day… 32 degrees the next one.

  2. My family. Most of my family lives in town, including my in-laws. I love that everyone gets to be together during the holidays.

  3. My Veja sneakers. I’ve been dreaming about owning Veja sneakers for awhile now, and the perfect pair popped up on Poshmark a few weeks ago. They’re the comfiest sneakers!

  4. Advent. Probably my favorite season on the church calendar. I love that it’s a time to share in the joyful anticipation of Jesus’s birth.

  5. Disney+, because High School Musical is everything to me.

  6. Reading… okay, I always enjoy reading, but I’m just 4 books away from hitting my reading goal for the year (30 books).

  7. New opportunities, like freelancing. It’s something I asked God for and He immediately opened doors. I think He’s been waiting for me to ask for awhile, haha.

In the spirit of the season, I’d love to hear what you’re thankful for in the comments below. Let’s honor and cherish the things we hold close every day, not just this Thursday.

Happy Thanksgiving!
