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Curly Hair - How To's

I’ve had wavy hair since I was a baby, but I didn’t fully embrace it until last April when I started loosely following the curly girl method. In the past year, I’ve learned a lot about caring for curly hair, including some wavy hair dos and donts that I want to pass along…

Curly hair DOs:

  • Use a leave-in conditioner. When I first started styling my natural hair, it would get so frizzy and tangly—tangled, curly hair is the worst—but once I started using a leave-in conditioner (and had a haircut), all of my frizzy woes went away. I apply it straight out of the shower when my hair is still soaking wet, then scrunch it in with my hands. I’m finishing off a tub of Cantu Argan Oil leave-in conditioner right now, and I totally recommend it for thicker hair that’s less smooth or semi-frizzy.

  • Embrace your starting point. Waves are weird, especially if you’re not used to seeing them/caring for them everyday. But that’s the fun thing about curly hair! Everyday it’s a little bit different, and as you invest in it, your curls will only get better. Here’s a pic from my first week of wavy hair life:

  • Buy some scrunchies. Because nothing is cuter than a curly ponytail tied off with a scrunchie—and also because they don’t cause as many tangles as a normal hair tie.

  • Get used to weird hair days. Like I said earlier, naturally wavy hair is different every day. In the beginning, you’ll have good days and not so good ones, but as your waves get used to doing their own thing, they’ll become more defined and predictable.

  • Buy a diffuser. Healthy curls are heat-free curls, but unless you like having wet hair, it’s worth it to buy a diffuser. It’ll cut your drying time in half, just don’t use hot air. Medium air on medium speed is my go-to.

Curly hair DONTS:

  • Don’t wash your hair every day. I know this may freak some of you out, but please stop washing your hair everyday. Washing your hair makes it super dry, and your waves need moisture!
    I’m not saying never wash your hair. Your wash schedule doesn’t have to be just like everyone else’s, so if every other day or every three days—four, anyone?— works best for your hair, then roll with it.

  • Use a towel to dry your hair. Using a towel on your waves will make them extra frizzy and dry, so I use a t-shirt instead to scrunch—not rub—all the water out of my waves while minimizing frizz.

  • Don’t buy super expensive products. You can have perfectly lovely curly hair without spending a ton of money. Target has a ton of great curly hair products that are silicone and sulfate free!

So maybe you’re ready to take your waves for a whirl but you’re not quite sure where to start or what products to buy… to quote my dude Peter Kavinsky, “psh girl, you know I already gotchu.”

Here are some wavy hair recommendations! I’m not a curly girl guru, but I’ll try to note whether or not a product is best for (in my opinion) thin or thick hair, smooth or frizzy hair, etc.

my favorite textured hair shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in conditioners:

  • Emerge Shampoo and Conditioner - great for every hair type, but I wouldn’t recommend using it for every wash. Alternate it with something that’s more clarifying like Head & Shoulders it Mane ‘n Tail.

  • Suave Essentials Coconut Conditioner - a lightweight condition that’s also a bargain.

  • Cantu Argan Oil Leave-In Conditioner - my current favorite! It’s best for thick and dry hair.

  • African Pride Olive Oil Leave-In Conditioner - amazing for all hair types. It’s so light and smells amazing.


  • Cake’s Curl Whipped Mousse - makes for some soft curls! I love it, but if you have super soft hair, I’d stick with Pantene’s mousse.

  • Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Mousse - if you’re looking for a reliable mousse regardless of your hair type, this is it.


  • Harry’s Hair Gel - an underrated men’s gel that I use on the regular. It’s got an extra strong hold that lasts all day.

  • Emerge Strong Hold Hair Gel - the only gel I’ve found that I don’t have to “scrunch our the crunch” for. Currently, I alternate between this and Harry’s when I style my waves. Perfect for every hair type.

  • LA Looks Extreme Hold Gel - the first gel I ever used and still one of my go-to products. I can count on this gel to produce great waves every time.

  • Eco Styler Olive Oil Gel - if LA Looks was my first love, Eco was the second. These two gels pair really well together!

There you have it! Curly hair is one of my favorite things ever, and I’m so happy to share that love with you. I hope you embrace your natural texture and love it as much as I love mine. If you have any curly questions, comment them below! I’ll chat about curls any time.

